Measurement and synthesis of insoluble and soluble dextran by Streptococcus mutans.

TitleMeasurement and synthesis of insoluble and soluble dextran by Streptococcus mutans.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1977
AuthorsMontville, TJ, Cooney, CL, Sinskey, AJ
JournalJ Dent Res
Date Published1977 Aug
KeywordsBacteriological Techniques, Culture Media, Dental Caries, Dextranase, Dextrans, Mutation, Solubility, Species Specificity, Streptococcus mutans, Streptococcus sanguis

Total and insoluble dextransucrase activities of 10 strains of oral streptococci were measured by a modified filter disk assay. Strains that were nonadherent to hard surfaces had only low levels of insoluble dextransucrase activity. A physical rather than metabolic mechanism is suggested to explain the decreased insoluble and increased soluble activities observed when dextran T-10 is added to the media.

Alternate JournalJ Dent Res
Citation Key233
PubMed ID336659