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Archer, J. A., Solow-Cordero, D. E. & Sinskey, A. J. A C-terminal deletion in Corynebacterium glutamicum homoserine dehydrogenase abolishes allosteric inhibition by L-threonine. Gene 107, 53-9 (1991).
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Augenstein, D. C., Thrasher, K., Sinskey, A. J. & Wang, D. I. Optimization in the recovery of a labile intracellular enzyme. Biotechnol Bioeng 16, 1433-47 (1974).
Awerbuch, T. E., Samson, R. & Sinskey, A. J. A quantitative model of diffusion bioassays. J Theor Biol 79, 333-40 (1979).
Awerbuch, T. E. & Sinskey, A. J. Quantitative determination of half-lifetimes and mutagenic concentrations of chemical carcinogens using a diffusion bioassay. Mutat Res 74, 125-43 (1980).
Awerbuch, T. E. & Sinskey, A. J. The effect of different genetic properties of Salmonella typhimurium on the determination of stabilities and mutagenic concentrations of chemical carcinogens using the diffusion bioassay. Mutat Res 113, 13-9 (1983).